HTML5 Elements

HTML5 features can bring your web applications to life and create a dynamic experience for users. Many companies use the canvas API, WebGL, WebRTC and other HTML5 elements to make web versions of their apps.

The HTML5 canvas API is used to draw 2D graphics with JavaScript, without installing browser plug-ins. Some of the capabilities of the canvas element include:

  • Image processing
  • Data sorting from an image or video frame
  • Object recognition
  • Creating data visualizations, such as charts or graphs
  • 2D gaming

WebGL (Web Graphics Library) is a JavaScript API used to render 3D graphics in browsers and web apps. It can be used for different types of interactive development, including 3D gaming, modeling, experimental simulation and gaming.

WebRTC is another API that doesn’t require plug-ins. It enables real-time, peer-to-peer communication between browsers, using video, audio and text chat. WebRTC applications are becoming increasingly popular because they offer cost-savings benefits and allow businesses to host online meetings.

Shinetech’s developers use these technologies and many others to provider a wide range of 2D and 3D services. In addition to application development, we also specialize in 2D/3D animation for websites, character development and animation for films and advertisements. Our storyboard artists can help you visualize your ideas through 2D/3D storyboards.

Learn about Shinetech's 2D/3D services, and find out how our developers can help you integrate HTML5 features in your app to create a unique experience for users. 


Photo Credit: GrowDigital

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