盛安德英国子公司成立! (2010.6.9)

盛安德科技,中国软件外包的领军企业,近日在英国伦敦建立了全资子公司:Shinetech Europe Ltd. 标志着盛安德将进一步开发欧洲市场,并且为欧洲客户提供更好的服务支持。

随着Shinetech Europe Ltd.的成立,盛安德的敏捷开发服务将迎来更广阔的市场空间。相对于之前专注的离岸软件服务,盛安德将开展更多的在岸服务,以便为客户提供更方便快捷的售后支持。

"With the new European subsidiary being set up, we have the range and reach to provide more reliable, cost effective and proactive solutions for our customers, as well as to establish a more closely cooperation with local customers and partners."

( Frank Zhang, vice president of Europe)

Shinetech Europe Ltd.

Address: 9 Devonshire Square, London EC2M 4YF
Phone: 44-(0)20-3170 8428
Mobile: 44-(0)7867901663
E-mail: frankzhang@shinetechchina.com